2017 04 19 02 Long-winded post, but worth it: My Schedule Outline, first draft

OK, I worked a good long time on this, so I hope this will function as a good starting point for my future schedule and how I want to meet my long term life goals. So anyway, here goes:

Overarching Goals

  1. Spend More Time Reviewing and Planning (Blog, Organizational Review)
    • 20 mins. morning blog, 20 mins. evening blog, Sunday 1 hour review.
  2. Practice and Study Software Engineering
    • 1 hour/week day, perhaps some weekend?
  3. Do Household Chores
    • 1 hour/day
  4. Do More Exercise
    • 1.25 hours 3 days a week
  5. Nurture a Spiritual Life
    • ~0.50 hours a day – 15 minutes in the morning, 15 evening
  6. Meet New People/Find a Significant
    • ????? ????? ????? Can’t think about it yet, as I don’t have a framework for success?
  7. Regularly Review Expenses and Develop a Personal Budget
    • 1-2 hours on Saturdays using YNAB
  8. Acclimate to New Social Environments/Get Out of the Cave
    • 1-2 hours on the weekend

Week-day Schedule Mockup:

Note: This schedule assumes that a) I usually work a 9 hour day and spend about 15 minutes traveling, and b) I usually spend about 7 hours sleeping every day. That leaves: 7.5 hours of ‘other’ activity.

  • Morning
    • Morning Prayers (E) (0.25 hrs.)
    • Morning Blog Post (A) (0.33 hrs.)
    • Mon, Wed, Fri? Exercise (D) (1.25 hrs.)
      • Change
      • Exercise
      • Shower
      • Breakfast
  • Evening
    • Programming Study and Practice (B)(1 hr.)
    • Evening Blog Post (A) (0.75 hrs.)
    • Chores (C) (1 hr.) – NOTE: Doesn’t include meal making
      • Dishes
      • General cleanup
      • Litter box scooping
      • Trash/recycling collection/disposal
      • Other

Weekday allotted time for scheduled activities: Max: ~4.75 hrs., Min: ~3.5 hrs. – difference being exercise, overstated for max effect

Daily leisure time minimum: 7.5 4.75 = 2.75 hrs. of leisure activity. Could be a movie. Could be computer games. Could be a few shows. More when I’m not exercising, apparently. And it seems to be split between the morning and the evening. Hmm. This will help me cut the flak out of my day, if nothing else.

Saturday Schedule

  • Financial Review (G) (1-2 hours)
  • Weekly chores (C) (unknown time commitment)
    • Laundry
    • Vacuuming

Allotted time max: 3 hrs.

Sunday Schedule:

  • To-Do:
    • Go to church
    • Meta-post in the blog reviewing the week, and perhaps thinking about changes for the next week.
    • Programming/study

Allotted time max: 5 hrs.

Timed activities:

  • Chores
  • Programming and Studying
  • Financial Review
    • As stated above: once a week, check out bank records and expenditure and make sure things are in order
  • Journalling and Time Review
    • Specifically, making blog posts at the moment. Also, reviewing blog posts and Toggl (meta!)
    • Might also include dream journalling and writing down ideas throughout the day
  • Meal Prep and Eating
  • Exercise
  • Exploring New Places
  • Leisure
  • Reading news/current events
    • Includes Youtube news things; Sargon, Rubin Report, Stapleton, etc.
  • Errands in Town
    • Groceries, haircuts, beer runs, etc.
  • Sleep
  • Hygiene

Part of my review process will be to look at my personal time expenditure and see how effectively I’ve been using my time.

This is a lot to process. But that’s why this is a first draft.

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